杰森·麦克卢尼成为两次器官捐赠者的道路始于一次谈话. 和朋友聊着开车经过一个被困在高速公路边上的人, 他提到,在这种情况下,他的第一个想法总是一样的:我应该停下来帮忙.

但其他的声音会立即在他的脑海中浮现:他们会没事的. Help is on the way. It's dangerous to pull over. So he'd continue with his drive, and his life.

他的朋友提出了一个挑战:倾听第一个声音. 他说第一个声音本质上是精神上的, and anything after that is ego or selfishness," Jason recalls.

That conversation stayed with Jason for years. 每当谈到器官捐赠的话题时,他就会想起朋友的建议. 当他的女儿开始从事器官捐赠的工作时,她是一名重症监护室护士, the topic was on his mind more and more.