Focused ultrasound is an incision-free, 特发性震颤的微创治疗, 一种神经系统疾病,通常是手部无法控制的颤抖, head or voice – happens during movement. 特发性震颤是最常见的运动障碍,约有1000万美国人受到影响. 对一些人来说,颤抖是如此严重,以至于妨碍了他们的功能. Although the cause is not well understood, research has shown that the tremor can be alleviated by treating a small area deep inside the brain that regulates movement; this tiny area is the ventral intermediate (Vim) nucleus of the thalamus.

在这个门诊过程中,由核磁共振成像引导的高强度声波集中在Vim上. 这些声波无痛且安全地穿过皮肤、骨骼和大脑到达目标. 就像放大镜可以聚焦阳光在纸上烧出一个洞一样, 聚焦的超声波产生足够的热量来燃烧Vim中的细胞而不伤害周围的组织. Recovery time is short, 治疗可以显著减少震颤, 提高日常活动能力, such as eating, drinking and writing. 然而,它并不能治愈潜在的疾病.

Targeting the same area of the thalamus, 聚焦超声也可用于治疗震颤为主的帕金森病患者的震颤. 加州大学旧金山分校的十大赌博平台排行榜们在研究利用聚焦超声治疗其他疾病方面走在了前列, including brain tumors and prostate cancer.

Are you a candidate?


  • Have you been diagnosed with essential tremor?
  • 你是否尝试过至少两种治疗震颤的药物?
  • Does your tremor affect your quality of life?
  • 你愿意静静地躺在核磁共振扫描仪里两到三个小时吗?
  • Are you over the age of 22?

如果你符合所有五个标准,你可能是接受聚焦超声治疗的候选人. 请让您的十大赌博平台排行榜传真或电子邮件给我们转诊和您的保险卡的副本. 想了解更多信息,请随时给我们打电话.